About Us

Who are we?

  • Tauranga SeniorNet is a voluntary, non-profit club for adults over 40 years of age, where members help each other learn how to use modern technology such as computers, smartphones and tablets.
  • Like any other Club we are managed by a committee, elected from among our members each year.
  • Numbers vary from year to year but there are currently around 200 members in the club.
  • There are 43 SeniorNet clubs in New Zealand.
  • The Tauranga SeniorNet Club Incorporated is a registered charity and a member of the New Zealand Federation of SeniorNet Societies (www.seniornet.nz)
  • For more details about Tauranga SeniorNet, click on this link: General Information.

The classes

We teach seniors how to use:

  • Computers with Windows 10 or 11
  • Apple iPads
  • Apple iPhones
  • Apple MacBooks
  • Android Smartphones
  • Smart TVs
  • Specific computer applications

Members bring their own laptops to computer classes. All those attending tablet or phone courses should bring their own portable devices with their batteries fully charged.

  • Classes are held on weekdays at various times between 9am and 4pm.
  • Students attend one 2-hour lesson per week for the duration of each course.
  • There are usually only eight places available in each class, with some classes restricted to six students.
  • We aim to have a coaching ratio of 1 coach per 3 students, or better.
    The coaches are volunteers, most of whom have learned computing at SeniorNet and enjoy assisting others to acquire basic technical skills. They are not professional tutors.
  • During lessons the coaches introduce and demonstrate new skills which students practise, referring to the instructions in the manual or printed notes supplied.
    The coaches move around the group, offering assistance where required.
  • During each lesson there is a break for tea or coffee.
  • We have recently introduced Workshops – these are short sessions for people to gather together and learn from each other. Although there is a Coach in charge of each session, there is no structured teaching, but rather an exploration of the topic in a way that will benefit all participants.

Where are we?

  • Our Learning Centre is at the Historic Village on 17th Avenue, Tauranga. See the Contact Us page for details and a map.
  • For your convenience, our email address and phone numbers are at the very top of every page in this website.