Using Your Computer

You  will use your own laptop during lessons – either a PC or a MacBook.  Any exercise files or instruction files will be emailed to you. You will be shown how to save them as an attachment from your email.

This Introductory Course …

  • is suitable for students who have computers with  Windows 10 or 11 operating systems or those with MacBooks (Apple computers)
  • is designed to help you learn the essentials of using a computer
  • starts with basic skills of operating a computer
  • includes the basics of writing, editing, formatting and saving
  • uses word processing software (for example, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, if installed, or WordPad)

You will learn how to …

  • turn the computer on and off correctly
  • understand the functions of the keys on the computer keyboard
  • understand the basic functions available on the menus, ribbons and toolbars
  • control the movement of the mouse pointer across the screen
  • use the mouse to “click” and “double-click” objects on the screen
  • use the mouse to select text – words, sentences and paragraphs
  • use the mouse to drag selected text from one place to another
  • locate and use some of the utility and games apps
  • write, format and edit simple documents
  • control whether you move or copy text
  • save a document to storage, either the hard drive in your computer or a USB Flash Drive or cloud storage
  • retrieve a document from storage
  • delete an unwanted document from storage
  • change the font, size and colour of text
  • copy text from one document to another
  • use shortcut keys
  • access the Internet