How do I…?

This new format workshop is specifically designed to help you, our members, sort out your specific, personal, technical problems and issues one-on-one with an experienced Coach.

  • Do you have a persistent problem or annoying message on your laptop, phone or tablet (Android or Apple)?
  • Is there an App you’d like removed from your device or an unwanted program (or two!)  on your laptop?
  • Would you like some assistance installing a new App/program or maybe just some guidance on how to make a new App work for you
  • Is there something you didn’t quite understand on a recent Course or Workshop that you’d like a Coach to go over again with you?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions and would like a little One-on-One assistance to sort it out, the How Do I…? Workshop is just for you. On arrival, you’ll be assigned one of our experienced Coaches who will spend some personal time with you handling your issues.

The cost of is variable and based on the time you spend with our Coach. The minimum charge is $5 and your final charge will be determined by the Coach once you’re finished, based on $10 per hour.