Windows 11 New Features

Duration: 3 x 2-hour lessons Price: $45


This is not a course for beginners.  It is for people who are familiar with Windows 7, 8 or 10, who have upgraded to a Windows 11 laptop or desktop computer. It explains differences from Windows 10 (and earlier) of the layout of the Start Screen and the functions that it controls. It also guides you in making changes and additions to the items on the menus.

Bring your laptop to lessons with the batteries fully charged so that the exercises you work through will be available for revision and practice at home between lessons.

Course contents

1.  The Start Screen – its layout, how to use it to control the computer and the arrangement of the programmes (apps)  on the Start Screen.

2.  Taskbar alignment – the optional left or centred alignment of the Taskbar – how to set this to suit your preference, including the option of having it hidden until required for use.

3.  Functions of buttons and other items on the taskbar, such as accessing the “Quick Settings window.

4.  Working with the All Apps list to manage the apps on your computer.

5.  Switching between apps and tasks when more than one are being used.

6.  Arranging and resizing windows on the desktop when two or more apps are open.

7.  Getting updates for Windows 11 and other Microsoft apps – differences between the layout of the updates pages from those of earlier versions of the operating system. Pausing updates and setting the length of the delay. Using the sub-menus in the All Apps list.

8.  Wi-Fi connections – how to establish a connection with Wi-Fi and how to cancel a connection when it is no longer required.

9.  How to use the “Search” function to access apps, settings and information.

10.  Version check – how to discover exactly which version of Windows 11 you have.  This is related to the regular installation of updates to Windows, not the updates to the apps on the computer.  Keeping up-to-date with these is important for security from computer viruses and related issues.

11.  System information – how to view a list of the specifications of your computer.